EVENT 영화▶아카이브 공개 중▶🎬개구리중사 케로로 극장판

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sorry. I have to take a shower.
so I hang up this!
Bye.see you one day
I was lived in Okinawa.
I stuyed there.
my birthday is July 23rd
I became 19 years old last month.
I'm WeiKong.
WeiKong's g don't pronounce!
I forget introduction myself,sorry.
I've been staying Fukuoka for 5 months.
I'm from Japan.but I lived in Taiwan, Korea, Fukuoka n Okinawa.
You live in Okinawa.right?
Sorry,I can't hear you.
モイ!iPhoneからキャス配信中 -英語の勉強がとにかくしたいです!レベル低いけど付き合ってくれる方いましたらよろしくお願いします。笑